New feature for Farcaster WP: Notifications

Yesterday I introduced Farcaster WP, a new WordPress plugin that connects your WordPress site to Farcaster.

The first version didn’t take advantage of the powerful new notifications framework in Farcaster frames, but today I’ve fixed that.

I’ve updated the plugin to use the “addFrame” method in the Farcaster frame SDK. Users visiting a Farcaster WP-enabled site through a frame in a supporting client (like Warpcast) will now see a prompt to add the website as a frame.

When they add the website, by default they will be subscribed to receive notifications when new posts are published from the site. Users can modify their settings later to disable notifications or remove the site altogether.

Notification subscriptions are managed in the WordPress site using a new webhook endpoint. I’ve also added a new Notifications panel on the Farcaster WP settings page which shows subscriptions on the site.

Here’s what the notification looks like in the Warpcast app.

The plugin is still awaiting approval for the plugin directory ā€“ the review queue is currently backed up and this could take a few weeks ā€“ but in the meantime you can download the plugin from Github.

If you have feedback or ideas for me, please get in touch. Iā€™m on Farcaster @davisshaver and you can also send me an email at this domain (minus the .com) at